BOMA Philadelphia is made up of nearly 500 commercial real estate professionals.
BOMA Philadelphia's members are building owners, managers, developers, leasing professionals, medical office building managers, corporate facility managers, asset managers, and the providers of the products and services needed to operate commercial properties. An influential force, BOMA Philadelphia provides excellence among commercial real estate professionals and related service providers through advocacy, professional development, educational & training opportunities, information sharing, forums for interaction, and community involvement.

The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) of Philadelphia was organized on April 5, 1916. The Association is a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation 501(c)(6).
The BOMA Philadelphia Board of Directors (Board) approved the merger of BOMA Philadelphia and the Building Operators Labor Relations (BOLR), with BOLR becoming a division of BOMA Philadelphia, at the Sept. 12, 1996 Board meeting. BOLR has its own — separate from BOMA Philadelphia — board and bylaws.
BOLR is an organization of building owners and managers who directly or indirectly, through janitorial contractors, employ cleaners and maintenance personnel in Center City office buildings. These employees, in most cases, are members of Service Employees International Union, SEIU 32 BJ. Every three years BOLR negotiates a citywide, multi-employer Collective Bargaining Agreement. BOLR also represents its members in grievance hearings whenever SEIU 32 BJ files a grievance against a member building. The principal place of business of this corporation is the City of Philadelphia. The Association is registered under all appropriate laws regarding nonprofit corporations for the state of Pennsylvania.
What makes BOMA Philadelphia worthwhile
The purpose of this Association is to create, maintain and develop cooperation among those employed within the real estate industry in the greater Philadelphia region; to facilitate the interchange of ideas in the conception, construction, management, operation and maintenance of buildings; to promote the general welfare of the real estate industry; and to provide membership advocacy, professional development and networking opportunities.
Founded in 1916, BOMA Philadelphia represents over 475 members who own or manage approximately 100 million square feet of commercial properties or provide services/supplies to buildings in the tri-state area. It is one of more than 107 local Associations with 19,000 members who own or manage over 9 billions square feet of downtown and suburban commercial properties and facilities in North America and abroad.
Members are building owners, managers, developers, leasing professionals, medical office building managers, corporate facility managers, asset managers, and the providers of the products and services needed to operate commercial properties.
BOMA Philadelphia builds excellence among commercial real estate professionals and related services providers through advocacy, professional development, educational & training opportunities, sharing of information, forums for interaction, community involvement and promotes ethical standards of conduct.
MAC is comprised of the following federations: Albany, Baltimore, Boston, Greater Buffalo, Greater Hartford, New Jersey, Central New York, Greater New York, Long Island, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Greater Rochester, Southern Connecticut, Metropolitan Washington and Westchester County, NY.
Founded in 1926 by the BOMA federations of Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, DC, the MAC promotes the general welfare of the industry by creating, developing and maintaining cooperation among building owners and managers, and promoting the exchange of ideas and information between like minded professionals.
When your firm joins BOMA Philadelphia, you receive automatic membership in both the regional (MAC) and the international federations, and are entitled to all the benefits included.