What is
Building Operators Labor Relations (“BOLR”), is a division of BOMA Philadelphia, with its own Board of Directors and Bylaws, separate from BOMA Philadelphia.
BOLR’s function is to represent members, both individually and collectively, in dealings with the Service Employees International Union, Local 32BJ, District 36.
BOLR represents its members in the following manner:
The negotiation of Collective Bargaining Agreements, with the Union or such other labor organizations, as the members or the Board of Directors deem appropriate.
The adjustment of grievances or disputes between members and the Union involving labor relations, including the setting up of grievance and arbitration procedures, for such purposes.
The preparation and submission of petitions, information and appeals to or from the appropriate governmental agencies involved in the stabilization of wages or salaries.
The administration of pensions or welfare plans, either separately or jointly, with representatives of the Union.
The preparation and/or presentation of facts, information and data to conciliators, mediators or arbitrators of labor disputes or any government agency, official or representative in any field or branch of labor relations.

About BOLR
President: Daniel Brighter
Vice President: Tom Flach
Secretary: Jim Strite
Treasurer: John McCullough, Jr. -
Betty Gaul
Keli Wallace
Kevin Powell
Mike McCormick
Peter Criville
Ryan Zeichner
John Rey
Up to 99,000 square feet $232.50
100,000 to 149,999 sq. ft. $282.50
150,000 to 199,999 sq. ft. $400.00
200,000 to 399,999 sq. ft. $530.00
400,000 to 599,999 sq. ft. $665.00
600,000 to 799,999 sq. ft. $800.00
800,000 to 999,999 sq. ft. $1,065.00
1 million sq. ft. and over $1,330.00
Contractor Members: $1,732.50
Suburban Division Contractor $550.00